Sunday, March 17, 2024

Kingdom of Colton- Leotis's Story: Chapter 2


It was a dark, moonless night. Leotis arrived at the house, his house, just before midnight. It was a big, well-kept two-story, in the middle of town, among a cluster of other houses where various tradesmen and their families lived. Leotis and Kat had done well for themselves, before…

Kat. How he missed her. He hadn’t seen the girl in four years, and he longed to hold her in his arms again. After leaving Gwenna and Morna in Kayradan, he has made his way back as quickly as his wobbly legs would carry him, growing a bit stronger each day. He’d only stopped once, at the barber’s in Ribald Creek, to have his dirty locks shorn and get a shave.

His sisters were whores, and the rage at what they’d done still burned hot. How could they? They could never marry decently now, and it would be a cruel joke if the duke had sired one of his bastards on either of them.

That was the past. He had the future to think about now.

He found the hidden key under the old piece of shale in the corner of the courtyard, right where he’d left it. Leotis remembered fondly the times when he’d arrive home late after a night with friends down at the Golden Bow only to find that Katrina had long since retired and locked the door. She must have never found the secret place where he’d hidden the key.

The house was dark, but he knew it well and in no time he arrived at the top of the stairs. Finding the door at the top locked, he struggled to drive the key home into the keyhole, guided by the dim light from the shop downstairs.

Odd. This door was never locked.

He crossed the top floor and opened the door to his bedchamber.

In the dim candlelight he saw his wife, nude, on the bed. A redhead with short, crinkly hair sprawled prone in front of her, her head buried in Kat’s nethers. By the way Kat moaned lowly, the girl must have known what well what business she was about. Leotis took in the scene in grim silence.

Kat scrambled, shifting on the bed to see Leotis more clearly. The girl drew herself into a sitting position. A look of recognition slowly crossed Kat’s face and slowly twisted it into horror. “Leotis!”

Still too stunned to form coherent words, Leotis remained silent.

“Gods, Leotis! How could I have known? You were gone so long.” She blubbered. “Please, Leotis. I was so alone. Please forgive me, Leotis, please. Please say something!”

“Very well. I want you and your apprentice out of my house by dawn, you fucking harlot.”

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