Sunday, March 17, 2024

Kingdom of Colton- Leotis's Story: Chapter 1


Leotis’s legs were wobbly as they made their way to the inn. Four years in a six-foot cell under Kaye Keep had not been conducive to maintaining strong leg muscles.

The inn was not Kayradan’s best, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it would suffice for a hot meal and a cup of mulled wine while he caught up with his sisters.

After the wench took their order, Leotis simply sat, contemplating his sisters for a moment. He smiled as he recalled fond childhood memories and beamed at how much Gwenna and Morna had grown.

Gwenna seemed just as content to look upon him, but Morna broke the heavy silence. “You must have so many questions.”

“No, surprisingly. I just want to get back home, back to the shop, and return to life as normal. Mixing the dyes and dying the fabrics you bring me, just as before.”

“Just as before?” Morna’s brow furrowed slightly. “I certainly hope not. Your tongue got you in trouble. I hope you’ve learned your lesson about telling bawdy tales about the duke?”

“Even if they happen to be true?”

“Especially if they’re true.”

“This duke isn’t much like his father at all. I miss the times of Good Duke Theobald.”

“Promise me you won’t get into trouble again, Pest.” Morna affected the pet name that she’d called Leotis throughout their childhood, belying the sobriety of the request.

“I promise. I’ve learned my lesson. How hat Kat been?”

“The bitch kicked us out of your house the month after they took you away.” Said Gwenna “She took an apprentice a year ago. A girl from Yellowbridge.”

“That’s not right. You don’t do that to family. I’ll have to talk to her. Is there anything else I should know?”

Morna shrugged. “Colby is Colby. Other than that, not much has changed. Kat has done well for herself. She’s the only dyer in Colby, and the biggest one in Colbyshire. The rumor is that she’s ready to take another apprentice or two. Your return will be a stroke of good fortune for her.”

“For me? You know Kat had nothing when we met. I taught her everything she knows. The shop was doing well enough when I was taken away. It stands to reason that it would keep doing well.”

“You know what I mean, Pest. Regardless, she’ll be happy to see you.”

“Do you honestly think…”

“She’s waited four years for this day.”

“And what of you two?” Leotis asked. “What have you been up to?”

“Our weaving.” Gwenna responded noncommitally. “Someone has to keep Katrina supplied with rugs and homespuns so she has something to dye.”

“I see. Taking care of the flock, then?”

“Someone has to.” Morna responded. “They won’t take care of themselves.”

After a long pause, Leotis spoke. “So we head for Colby at first light?”

“That’s the plan. It’s a pity that we can’t stay to see the tourney, but Kat will be happy to lay eyes on you again.”

“She surely will. How was your journey here.”

“We took our time. It took us all of eight days, but we got an audience with Duke Benedict almost immediately.”

“An audience with Duke Benedict?” Leotis’s curiosity was piqued.

Gwenna inhaled deeply, as id she had something to unburden herself of, but her elder sister stopped her. “Don’t!”

“Don’t what?” Leotis asked.

Gwenna continued, despite the warning. “Don’t be a fool, Leotis. You know why we went. Have you ever known Duke Benedict to be particularly lenient?”

“No. It struck me as odd that he suddenly issued clemency.”

“We asked for an audience. We got an audience, and requested clemency. We…”

Gwenna tried to stop her again. “Gods, Morna. Please don’t! He doesn’t need to know.”

“He’ll find out sooner or later, so it’s best to come clean now.”

“OUT WITH IT!” Leotis demanded.

“Pest, you know the duke. He doesn’t just give out pardons for no reason. We had to offer… something in return.”

The meaning of her words began to sink in. “You swived with that pig?”

“Please, Leotis.” Gwenna began. “You don’t understand. We needed you back. It was for you.”

“Is that what you told yourself while His Grace’s cock was inside you?”

“Gods damn it, Pest!” Morna broke down. “That bitch threw us out on the street. Things… things have changed since you went away. They’re not all rosy. That was a lie. There will be consequences if you don’t get home with haste.”

“How convenient.”

“Pest! When you hear… You were imprisoned ten years for a minor offense. We prayed every day, hoping some small miracle would see you released. You would never have seen daylight again if we hadn’t done what we did.”

Leotis could barely contain his ire, yet he spoke in slow, measured tones. “At what cost, Morna? You sacrificed your virtue, and your sister’s virtue, to fre me. I was imprisoned for making like of my duke for his philandering, and as revenge, he fucked my sisters. You should just leave me. I can’t stand the sight of either of you right now. I’ll make my own way back to Colby.

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