Monday, March 4, 2024

Kingdom Of Colton- Chapter 2: The Market


Another bright, clear day began in the idyllic village of Colby. The sun was already high in the sky, and various hawkers, mongers, and merchants had already opened their shops and set up their stands around the square.

Around a raised stage at the center of the square, Lord Darron, his immediate family, and his retinue danced and cheered to the stylings of the troubadours. The duo had arrived late last night, and weary from travel had lodged at the inn. 

Shayla gawked shamelessly from her stand at the back of the square; it was rare when such talent came through, and this pair was especially easy on the eyes. And the knaves played like the Harper himself. 

Yes, indeed, the lads were as gifted as they were alluring. Shayla wondered idly if they were also gifted in other things. They were a welcome switch from the monotony that was day-to-day living in Colby. The troubadours played a rollicking tune, Lord Darron and Lady Sepha danced, and Shayla continued to daydream.

Leaning up against the wall of a run-down cobbler’s shop, Lord Darron’s bodyguards took the whole thing in. Unsavory was a good way to describe them. While Darron himself was a well-loved and benevolent ruler, accepting his rule meant putting up with the tomfoolery of his guards. While they stopped short of killing, maiming, and outright robbery, Donal, Onas, and Miles weren’t above shaking down the local merchants or taking what they chose from the merchants’ wares for “services rendered”.

Their ringleader, the dark-haired Donal, scowled. “Damn minstrels. I’m sure the lasses will be throwing their knickers at them as soon as they enter the tavern. It looks like even Lady Elyse and that bitch of a housekeeper want to roll around with them. Every time a travelling circus of a group of mummers comes through this piss-stain of a hamlet, the lassies’ quims dry up for us like Ribald Creek in autumn.”

It was evident from his pointed ears, smooth pale skin, and weird eyes that Onas had more than a few drops of the old blood coursing through his veins. He shrugged slightly. “It is what it is. It’s been near a week for me. I suppose we’ll have to hunker down and wait out the dry spell.”

Miles, a fair-haired, strapping lad, and easily the most good natured of the three, spoke up. “It doesn’t have to be that way, you know.”

“Do tell.” Donal urged.

“It involves Shayla. Here’s what we need to do.”

Shayla suspected the worst as she saw the three guards approaching her stand.

“Piss off, Donal. I don’t want trouble.”

“A bit late for that, love. We need to talk.”

“That’s fresh. We have nothing to discuss. Shove off, you lot!”

“I really think you’ll need to hear this.” Onas responded.

“Fine. What is it?” She countered testily.

“There’s a small matter of a Kayradan merchant getting swindled.” Donal continued.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Shayla huffed. “The only swindlers I know of are you three.”

“Maybe so.” Onas mused. “But I imagine that Benoit would pay a decent some to see the swindler dragged into the Great Square in chains. A fair some more than Darron pays us. There is the matter of the cheeses.”

“Cheeses?” She asked coyly.

Miles smiled cruelly. “Seems that when a certain wagon belonging to a certain trader arrived at Benoit’s warehouse, he didn’t check the contents thoroughly in his haste to unload it. When he found out that a full third of the cheeses he received were hollow, he was livid.”

“You little shit!” She screamed. “It was only a quarter, and you were supposed to keep that between us.”
Miles shrugged. “Times are hard. Have you tried living on a bodyguard’s salary?”

“That, and all the graft you skim from the townsfolk under Lord Darron’s nose. Fine, take what you want and be damned.”

Never one for subtlety, Donal stated their intent. “We don’t want anything on the table.”

“What do you wa…” His meaning finally became clear to Shayla. “Fuck off. I’m not doing that.”

“I’ve heard bad things about Kayradan prisons.” Onas quipped.

“Your choice.” Donal laughed. “Go get the shackles, Miles.”

Now clearly distressed, Shayla countered. “No! Wait, I’ve reconsidered. But… can’t we negotiate? I mean… you’re a dashing lot, but all of you at once? You’d tear me in half.”

Onas sneered. “All at once or one at a time. Either way, you give us all what we need or we turn you over to the guard in Kayradan.”

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