Friday, March 8, 2024

Kingdom of Colton- Chapter 9: The Duke


Morna marveled openly. Her sister had chided her not to gawk, but here they were! Duke Benedict’s keep, high above the city of Kayradan, the seat of Kayshire. The palace was magnificent.

“Don’t just stand there gaping, stupid!” Gwenna chided. “We’re not here sightseeing. We came to accomplish a task.”

The ducal guards, perhaps disenchanted by the keep that they saw daily, tried to keep the petitioners moving along at a brisk pace. “Step it out, there!” Sergeant Riley barked. “The duke’s time is valuable.”

Captain Victoria led them up a steep staircase, and Morna beheld for the first time the grand entrance to the Duke’s throne room. She couldn’t help but let her jaw drop.

“Morna!” her sister hissed. “Think of Leotis.”

As they entered the awe-inspiring throne room itself, Duke Benedict rose up to meet them. “Captain!” He spoke. “Who’s this lot, then?”

Captain Victoria cleared her throat and spoke sharply. “These petitioners come seeking the duke’s clemency in a family matter, Your Grace.”

“A family matter, is it? Who are you, girl, and what brings you all the way to Kay Castle?”

Always the braver one, Gwenna did the speaking. She curtsied neatly and began. “If it please Your Grace, I am Gwenna of Colbyshire. This is my sister, Morna. We are simple weavers. We have heard of Your Grace’s mercy, and that each year you grant clemency to one prisoner. We ask you to consider our brother, Leotis, for that clemency.”

“Leotis… Leotis….” The duke considered. “There are several prisoners named Leotis. What’s he in for, then?” “Insolence. Leotis of Colby, formerly Leotis Dyer until he was placed in gaol. His wife runs the dyer shop now.”

“Now I remember.” Duke Benedict nodded. “The problem is that insolence is a serious offense. Openly defying your duke incites sedition, and sedition could lead to riots or even open rebellion. No, it’s best to deal with it early and let the buggers rot. Unless, of course, there’s some form of … persuasion you can use to convince your duke so that he should overlook your brother’s crimes against the state.”

“Yes. Service to the state. That’s why we came all this way. Please, Your Grace. We’ve travelled all the way from Colbyshire, on foot. There must be something we can offer you so that you’ll consider clemency.”

“Oh, offer it, you will, and the both of you. There are certain services that… I can’t ask that of the duchess; she kisses our son with those lips. But you… yes, you look like the type to take on those services. Captain Victoria! No one comes in or out of the throne room for the next hour, not even the duchess!”

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