Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Kingdom of Colton- Chapter 6: The Wizard's Tower


Jocelyn arrived at the wizard’s manor just at the regular time. A beautifully apportioned home, if a bit basic, it was second only to Lord Darron’s palace in all of Colby. Jocelyn loved the old manor, loved working there, but didn’t feel the same about its occupants.

As she entered the great room, the wizard Emric scowled over a lectern. His apprentice Braegwyn stood beside him, her slightly pointed ears and odd-colored eyes divulging more than a little of the old blood coursing through her veins.

“No, no, no!” The wizard exclaimed. “Tarantula’s venom over high heat for 30 seconds, then stir in the jasmine petals and yew bark. It must be exactly in that order or the potion will fail, Braegwyn. It’s a good thing that you’re so good with spells; the Cowled One knows you struggle with potions.”

“I apologize, Master. I’ll try harder. The housekeeper is here.”

Emric turned, in a huff, but his expression changed immediately when he saw who had entered. “Jocelyn. I’m sorry: you weren’t meant to see that.” His smile became sheepish.

“I’m sorry for interrupting. Please continue the lesson as if I weren’t here; I promise I won’t disturb you.”

“Nonsense. You’re a welcome distraction. For one of the old blood, young Braegwyn is a bit thick when it comes to potions. We need a break.”

“Will you be needing my services today, or may I head off to market?”

“The service I most desire, you’ve never willingly offered.”

“B-but… I mean no offense, Master Emric.” Wizards were men of great power and influence, and Emric had become Lord Darron’s right hand over the years. Jocelyn and Emric had been doing the same feint-and-riposte since she started in the wizard’s service; she had no wish to offend the wizard or make him resent her, but she had her reasons. “You know as well as I that my husband would be slighted; I have no wish to offend the gods. Why must you continue insisting?”

“Because it’s what makes life worth living. Great warriors climb mountains because the people tell them the mountains can’t be climbed; they slay dragons because the commoners tell them that those dragons can’t be slain. I’m a wizard; almost any woman would willingly have a roll with me if I but asked. My apprentice sees to my needs as often as she must, even though she has no great love for me and prefers the gentle touch of a woman. I continue to persist for a simple reason, dear Jocelyn: because you continue forbidding it. But one day you’ll do so willingly.”

“Please forgive me… Wait, Apprentice Braegwyn… she doesn’t like men?”

“She goes through the motions, pretends to enjoy it, but I know in her heart of hearts she’s rather be with that flower-shop girl in the market. Speak up, lass. Have you gone mute?”

“No, Master.” Braegwyn responded. “You are correct, Master.”

“And what do you think of sweet Jocelyn, Braegwyn?”

“She’s very beautiful, Master. I desire her very much.”

“I know you do. I’ve watched how your mind wanders from your lessons when she’s dusting the shelves and turning down the beds. What would you do with her?”

“The things I would show her, Master. But if she denies you, what would she do for me?”

“What say you, dear Jocelyn? Have you ever desired a woman?”

“Never. I am faithful to my Raimund.”

“So I see. A pity, really. You’re both quite beautiful. I wouldn’t mind seeing the two of you frolicking bare around the laboratory. It would be better with Braegwyn; she truly desires to pleasure you, and in the watching, I could find release for myself. The gods would forgive you for being with such a beautiful creature, would they not?”

“I’m sure they wouldn’t.” Jocelyn responded. “I cannot oblige either of you. If there is nothing else, I’m off to market.”

“There’s just one other thing.” Emric smiled wickedly. “FEREHONDIS-KAHLIK!” He threw his hands wide, and an amorphous green cloud flew from his hands.

It hit her squarely and quickly dissipated. Jocelyn felt momentarily dizzy. “A gift for you, Braegwyn. She will obey your every command. Take her up to the laboratory and have your way with her. But let me watch.”

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