Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Kingdom of Colton- Chapter 5: The Dirty Dyers


The dim candlelight was the only thing that lit Katrina’s shop. The sun had long since set, and both Katrina and Desiree were exhausted from a long of dying yarn and fabric. The girl was born a shire over to the east, in Yellowbridge, but had come to Colby to stay with distant relatives and taken to the dying trade almost instantly. Kat thanked all the gods she’s found Desiree; she’d taken the girl on as her apprentice, given her a place to stay and made sure she had enough to eat, and provided the girl (more of a woman now) a small stipend when she could. In turn, Desiree brought a strong desire to learn, a gift for the trade, and a free-spirited, bubbly personality.

Katrina straightened her back. “That’s it, then. I’ll get some supper started. Go and clean yourself up.”

Desiree shrugged. “That will take some doing. I’m exhausted. Don’t go out of your way on my account.”

“Nonsense. You’re MY apprentice, and a damn good one. I just with you’d learn to tie your hair back with a kerchief; the dye gets everywhere. Move your pretty arse, now.”

Unexpectedly, Desiree pulled her dress off and tossed it aside. “Really, Kat? Would it make that much of a difference? The dye soaks through everything.”

Looking at her well-formed and very naked body appraisingly, Kat nodded. “So it does.” My, how the girl had filled out in the last three years. “I’m hoping you barred the door, Des. Any impassioned cropper or merchant could barge right in here, even at this hour.”

“It’s taken care of, sweetling. Besides, what man would want me with all of this sticky dye covering me?”

“I can name a few, and I’m surprised there aren’t any banging on the door, asking my permission to court you. Shit, as good as you look, I’m feeling a bit of the touch myself.”

“But Leotis…”

“At the tender mercies of the gaol at Duke Benedict’s keep, and unlikely to see the light of day for the next six or seven years. You think a woman doesn’t have desires just because her husband’s away?”

“Well… but with me?” Desiree seemed perplexed. “As I am?”

“Just as you are. No point in washing up until after. The door is barred, and supper can wait. But I can’t.”

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