Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Kingdom of Colton- Chapter 4:The Farm


Nell took Copper down the King’s road, toward Colby. She had left Murdo’s farm well over an hour ago, and the sun was already past the horizon. She drew near Caitlyn’s farm, at the very outskirts of Colby.

Feigning some errand with the seamstress and promising to be back to make supper, Nell had rushed off. Robert was a good man, a better man than she deserved. A good neighbor, a hard worker, generous to a fault, and as handsome as they came, was her Robert. Nell sighed.

She pulled up to Caitlyn’s gate, riding sidesaddle so that her skirts didn’t bunch. As vital and intense a lover as the stallions he bred, Robert still left something to be desired. There were things…

There were things only a woman knew how to do properly. Caitlyn had come out to greet Nell as she heard the approaching hoof beats, and awaited her just outside the gate. The two had grown up together on neighboring farms, and had been inseparable childhood friends. The years had only brought them closer… far closer than most people realized.

Wasting no time, Caitlyn drew her in for a deep kiss. In broad daylight, and with her husband inside? Confused, Nell arched an eyebrow. When Caitlyn let her up for air, she gasped “Cait, wait! Does this mean Trevor is away?”

“Of course, silly. His regiment drew garrison duty. He’ll be way off in Welkonshire, near the border, for the next three months. A pity, but more time for us. You look beautiful, as always. And you smell of lavender. The Warden knows I miss you when you’re away.”

“Oh, Cait. It’s been too long.”

“Enough talk. Get out of that pretty dress before I tear it off of you.

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