Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Kingdom of Colton- Chapter 15: The Merchant


Shayla ran through he woods, her pursuers hounding her. She’s begged and pleaded with Donal and his friends for a bit of extra protection, but they’d ignored her. She’d known it was only a matter of time before Benoit’s henchmen came for her, but she hadn’t expected the retaliation to come so swiftly. They’d sighted her on the Duke’s highway, about two miles north of town.

Shayla’s lungs burned, and she gave it her all, knowing that if she lost this chase, it would mean her death. Still, she couldn’t keep this pace forever, and even now she could hear them just behind her.

She had one chance, and she prayed to all the gods it would work. If she could just make it to the threshold of the safe house, just half a dozen more steps…

“Jet!” She exclaimed just as she made it inside, her pursuers half a step behind her. “None too soon, lads. I’m in a spot of trouble here. Could you see fit to help me out?”

In response, an arrow whizzed out of the darkness, thudding squarely into the red-tunicked man just behind her. He was dead before he hit the floor.

An unseen voice emanated from somewhere in the murky blackness of the safehouse. “Just turn around now, Delosson. There are three of us and two of you, and there’s no way Jet will miss you at this range. Cut your losses and haul off your comrade there” The apparent leader of the pursuers, a point-eared Oldling mongrel with reddish eyes, clenched his fist. You’re making a serious mistake. You know who we work for. You know we’ll be back with more men. Just hand the bitch over and we can end this whole affair.”

“You would threaten me in my own house, Delosson? Feather him.” The smug expression on the mongrel’s face faded as he realized how close he was to death, and that he had no chance of a win here.

“Point taken. This day is yours, Conal, but Benoit honors his debts. Remember that.” Delosson and his companion picked up their fallen comrade and departed.

Somehow this chain of events hadn’t done much to improve Shayla’s fortunes. She’d merely exchanged three men who might have killed her for three men who robbed and killed for a living. The trio emerged almost soundlessly, two greeting her with naked steel and the third with a gray-fletched arrow nocked and leveled at her chest.

“Cut the shit, Con. It’s me. They were going to kill me. I had no choice.”

Apart from the wild mess of hair and ill-kept beard, Conal was the image of his brother. “A fine mess you’ve dragged us into, Shayla. You couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you?”

She responded levelly, almost nonchalantly, as if two minutes ago she hadn’t been running for her life. “The hollow cheeses were your idea, lad. I just saw an opportunity and moved the schedule a bit.”

“Right. That and sending ten times the hollow cheeses I originally suggested. And now half of Kayradan won’t trade with you, there’s a price on your head, and it’s much harder to fence the goods we appropriate from careless merchants.”

“How was I to know Benoit was on to us? I’m just a simple businesswoman looking to turn a profit.”

“You got a bit too greedy and put the whole operation in jeopardy, love. How did you get off the hook with Lord Darron. Why didn’t he put you in chains?”

“When your thick-skulled brother and his lackeys came to lean on me about the cheeses, I offered them… some of my most exotic wares, and we came to an understanding.”

“You let the lunkhead farmboy and the oldling take you, too?”

“For fuck’s sake, Con! I didn’t have much wiggle room. Miles was ready to get the manacles. I had to think on my feet. I gave them what they asked for, right there in the marketplace, in front of the Warden and all. I let them bend me over my own table. It kept my neck out of the noose one more day.”

“You’ll do anything to save your own skin. Tell me, how did my twin’s cock feel inside you?”

“He knows how to handle a sword. But you’re better, Conal love.”

“I know I am. The question is, what happens now? Jet, Royce, and I are wanted men, and we need a reliable fence to move our ill-gotten goods. I need a fence that follows the instructions I give her and doesn’t put the safe house or the operation at risk. I think I should cut my losses.”

Shayla began to look alarmed. You’re cutting me loose? I’ll be dead within a week. Please, Con love. I need your help.”

“That’s not my problem. You owe me for ballsing up the cheese job, and for leading Benoit’s men right to the front door of the safe house. You have a lot to answer for. How do you intend to make good?”

For the second time in as many days… the way she offered herself, she could probably just as easily make her living as a harlot. It was good coin and there were fewer swords pointed at you. Sighing, she shucked her dress with practiced ease. “This is all I can offer for now, Con. I risked everything getting this far. If you want it, it’s yours to take.”

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